Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Human Nature and Power Essay

During the Renaissance, many brilliant philosophers have explored the concept of human nature. The question, what motivates humanity has been taken into consideration in the composure of virtually every society. By establishing that premise, many went on to create an ideal society with the intention of developing that thought. Niccolo Machiavelli and Thomas More are outstanding representatives among them. In both More’s Utopia and Machiavelli’s The Prince, perfect societies are constructed. However, More and Machiavelli have different opinions about the human nature in relation to the role of power and authority. Thomas More optimistically describes human nature. He depicts that man by nature is good-willed and conforming. He believes that human nature can be improved. Therefore, if the governing power is to be removed then man would be a less hostile force. Niccolo Machiavelli, on the other hand, describes human nature negatively. Man is untrustworthy, ungrateful, greedy and lying. Machiavelli suggests that man will never change and that one will always attempt to overcome the other. Power and authority is implied in the very essence of Machiavelli’s work. It is tied in with the greed and selfishness. More believed human nature to be good, created by God, and susceptible to great improvement if social, political, and economic conditions were reformed so that human misery were eliminated and that fundamental human virtue were thereby liberated and nurtured. More believed in socialism insofar as it would eliminate private property, which he saw as the root of evil. He believed that when private property exists, and when money dominates all other considerations, then â€Å"it is hardly ever possible for a commonwealth to be governed justly or happily. † More believes that justice simply cannot exist when the â€Å"worst citizens† own the â€Å"best things,† or â€Å"where property is limited to a few. † In such a situation, those who have so much are â€Å"always uneasy,† fearing they will have it taken, and those who have so little â€Å"are utterly wretched† (More 38). Where there is no justice, people will believe that there is no reward for virtue, which will result in people behaving according to their lowest standards, rather than according to their highest. In Utopia, Thomas More’ view of human nature is far more positive than negative. While he certainly shows an awareness of the flaws in human beings, he attributes those flaws more to the environment, and political and socioeconomic factors, than to the nature of humanity. In other words, More shows that human nature can be altered by altering the environment. If the environment is improved, meaning socially, politically and economically, then the behavior of human beings will be improved, bringing out the best in human nature. So in More’s view, if the governing power and authority is to be removed then man would be a less hostile force. Machiavelli expresses his view of the basic lack of goodness in human nature. He believes that in general, most people have a primary interest in themselves, and are motivated by their financial greed. Men are mainly concerned with their property and honor. â€Å"When neither their property nor their honor is touched, the majority of men live content†¦ † If he â€Å"wishes to profess goodness at all times† he â€Å"must fall to ruin among so many who are not good. † If he wishes to maintain his power, he must â€Å"learn how not to be good, and to use it or not according to necessity† (Machiavelli 127). Machiavelli, envisions society as one that turns to power and satisfaction of vices as seen through The Prince. Machiavelli advises that to keep power one must learn to be corrupt. This advice is given due to the idea that one who knows not corruption and believes in honesty is faced with those who use manipulation as part of the job. Machiavelli also sees pursuing virtue as an act that leads to ruin, while serving vice will fortify life. Human nature is one that tends to be drawn to pleasant, satisfactory things. If there is no benefit to the self for actions performed, motivation to perform such actions will be low or nonexistent. As seen throughout history, many actions have been taken in order for people to gain power, even if that action is genocide. Men are willing to step over men in order to have power and make an enjoyable life for hisself. Such occurrences can be seen multiple times, being unprompted and completely by choice of the power hungry. According to the different point of view of human nature from More and Machiavelli above, we can understand how More and Machiavelli view power and the role of power and authority. In the Prince, the authority is in either monarchy or dictatorship. Machiavelli focuses on the manipulation of the people to maintain power. The importance lies in the fact that in a monarchy or dictatorship, one person has the power in a society and all the rest serve only to obey him. Starkly different is More’s creation. His society is a true communist one and it could also beargued that it is also a democracy. Leaders are elected by the people, who make their owndecisions freely. Nothing, not even power, is owned in that society by an individual. The power is distributed, thus empowerment. The capitalism of Machiavelli’s world, the idea strongly ties in with this contrast. it was written for the use of one man to dominate over and control his kingdom, it was obviously not meant for lesser mortals. It in itself is a tool of power which could be used for only the good of the prince who uses it. Whether or not the people are empowered does not matter, it is irrelevant. It only matters that theprince uses it to maintain his own power. In contrast, Utopia is a fantasy written by More tosuggest an alternative way of life for the people. He focuses very little on the doings of the princein his ideal society; what matters in Utopia is the actions of the people. One might even say thatthe people are empowered, but the ideals that truly run the society, are empowered. More’s truefocus does not even lie in power, but in the seeking of ideals. The Utopian society highlights the unwritten laws of morality that humans possess if they are raised in a society that promotes honesty and virtue. However, Machiavelli argues that men are evil and inherent selfishness, no matter how pleasant a society raises them. People’s natural tendency to lie, cheat, and steal swells up without any restrictions, destroying not only their own community but also their government. It is implied that the treatment of criminals is harsh and strict. In Utopia, More describes how this ideal society punishes its’ criminals and it is obvious that they are mild and gentle. Since vice is not only destroyed, and men preserved, but they are treated in such a manner as to make them see the necessity of being honest (Utopia, 14). Although More and Machiavelli’s opinions differ greatly in their view of human nature, both works are unbelievably intriguing in that each of the societies would leave an incredible mark in history. The visual given through More’s Utopia portrays society an optimist’s view. More believes that when given all equal opportunities and provisions, people will lead a virtuous, unselfish life. People will work for the benefit of other people in order to create an equal and pleasant society. People only turn to corruption when faced with shortages or vanity in believing some deserve more than others. So in More’s Utopian world, the governing authority is removed and the power is distributed. However, in the Prince, People’s natural tendency to lie, cheat, and steal swells up without any restrictions, power and authority is implied in the very essence of Machiavelli’s work. It is tied in with the greed and selfishness. So Machiavelli focuses on the manipulation of the people to maintain power.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Electronic medical records systems

INTRODUCTIONScientific and social changes of the 21st century have brought a radical change in the Health care delivery system with excellent technological innovations. One such innovation is the Electronic Medical Record System. An electronic medical record (EMR) is a medical record in digital format.The health care sector is accountable today with an alarming rise in medical litigations.This legal accountability of the health care system has given rise to a number of documents that have to be recorded ,preserved and made available to the patients on demand.The documentation includes, 1.Diagnosis and Treatment Report which very Health Care delivery center today provides to the patient on the details of the diagnosis of the disease with follow up instructions, the Medicine information and the allergy reactions that could follow; dietary restrictions, dos and don’ts, restrictions and exercises prescribed. They take an acknowledgement either from the patient or an authorized per son after receiving the report.This documentation serves a key purpose in medical practice.2.The Health Record which is the proper documentation of records of all treatments and medications, as well as a record of a patient’s reactions and behavior. The health record is the written and legal evidence of treatment. This reflects only facts and not the judgment of the doctor. Careful and accurate documentation is vital for patient welfare and that of the doctor.Documentation includes, medication administered, treatments done with date & time, factual, objective and complete data, with no blank spaces left in charting, on flow sheets or on check lists, calls made to health care team, client’s response, signature of the nurse in every entry and consent for treatment. A private hospital inMilan, Italy, has been asked to handover for police verification of the medical records of at least twenty one cases who had heart valve surgery, following complaints that the surgeon repl aced heart valves even in patients who did not need them replaced.3. Informed Consent, which is a document, recorded before any terminally ill person receives his chemotherapy or an invasive procedure. The patient or his/her health attorney should give a well-documented informed consent before such procedures.Informed consent means that tests, treatments and medications have been explained to the person, as well as outcomes, possible complications and alternative procedures. Any medical hospital can be pushed into a center of a litigation storm after allegations without informed consent.4.Medical Billing and Insurance, which are part of the health care system in USA.Electronic medical record keeping facilitates access of patient data by physicians at any given location ,accurate   claims processing by insurance companies , building automated checks for drug and allergy interactions,clinical notes and laboratory reports.The term electronic medical record can be expanded to include systems which keep track of other relevant medical information.THE TECHNOLOGYFive levels of an Electronic HealthCare Record (EHCR) keeping can be classified as follows;1.The Automated Medical Record ,which is a paper-based record with some computer-generated documents. 2.The Computerized Medical Record (CMR), which makes the documents of level 1 electronically available. 3.The Electronic Medical Record (EMR) which restructures and optimizes the documents of the previous levels ensuring inter-operability of all documentation systems.4.The Electronic Patient Record (EPR) which is a patient-centered record with information from multiple institutions.5.The Electronic Health Record (EHR) adds general health-related information to the EPR that is not necessarily related to a disease. The development of standards for EMR interoperability is vital because of the fact that without interoperable EMRs, practicing physicians, pharmacies and health care institutions cannot share patient informat ion, which is necessary for timely patient-centered care.There are many standards relating to specific operation of   EMRs in the USA and across the globe. These include â€Å"ASTM International continuity of care record † in which patient health summary is based upon XML; â€Å"ANS1 X12†,which is a set of protocols used for transmitting any data including billing information; â€Å"CEN†,which is the European Standard for EMR; â€Å"DICOM†,A popular standard in radiology record keeping and â€Å"HL7† which is commonly used in clinical document architecture applications.There are many software programs specially developed for electronic record keeping. This includes ‘Doctors partner’, an advanced Electronic Medical Records (EMR) System with Integrated Appointment Scheduling Billing, Prescription Writer, Transcription Module, Document Management and Workflow Management built to meet HIPAA standards. ‘Practice Partner Patient Reco rds’ is an award winning electronic medical records (EMR) system, allowing practices to store and retrieve patient charts electronically. There are innumerable such branded medical record softwares available today (Ringold,2000)The American Medical Association and 13 other medical groups representing 500,000 physicians have signaled their intention to go electronic with the AMA formed Physicians’ â€Å"Electronic Health Record Coalition† to recommend affordable, standards-based technology to their constituents. President Bush has also promoted a nationwide computerized medical records system in a recent visit to a children's hospital at Vanderbilt University.THE COSTThe National Academy of Sciences report states that the health care industry spent between $10 and $15 billion on information technology in 1996. RED medic Inc., a California based firm have introduced a cheap online medical record service with an annual membership of about $35.The company Web site will collect, store and access everything ever wanted by health-care professionals to know about a patient’s medications, allergies, immunizations, conditions, doctors, emergency contacts and insurance providers. The system will store and transmit more complex information such as advance directives, EKGs and other essential medical documents and diagnostic imaging techniques. This health information service is capable of delivering information to any doctor or hospital, anytime, within the United States.RISK ASSESSMENTAlthough the issue of the privacy of patient records has received due attention in the last two years with arguments that Electronic medical records presents new threats to the privacy of patient-identifiable medical records, The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 paved ways to protect the privacy of medical records Thus, any violation on these lines will be violation of the basic law.Under data protection legislation and the law i n USA, the responsibilty for patient records in any form including films and tracings from diagnostic imaging procedures such as x-ray, CT, PET, MRI, ultrasound, etc.   lies always on the creator and custodian of the record, who is usually a health care practice or facility and   the patient owns the information within the record and has a right to view the originals, and to obtain copies under law. Thus, electronic medical record system is a technologically viable cost effective system that has to be utilized by the health care sector governed by legal and ethical principles.CONCLUSIONEMRs can serve a great purpose by making the patient data available to any authorized physician   or   patient anywhere and anytime towards more transparent health care   when monitored effectively.REFERENCEHallvard Là ¦rum, MD, Tom H. Karlsen, MD, and Arild Faxvaag, MD, PhD. â€Å"Effects of scanning and eliminating paper based medical records on hospital physician’s clinical workà ‚  Ã‚   practice†.. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 10: 588-595. 2003.Medical Board of California: Medical Records – Frequently Asked Questions.Ringold, JP Santell, and PJ Schneider. â€Å"ASHP national survey of pharmacy practice in acute care   settings: dispensing and administration–1999†. American Journal of Health-System   Pharmacy 57 (19): 1759-75. 2000.US Code of Federal Regulations, â€Å"of Individually Identifiable Health Information†   Title 45, Volume 1,October 1, 2005.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Ukraine in the World War Two Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ukraine in the World War Two - Essay Example The First World War resulted in the revolution of Ukraine, a nation that fought so hard to release the grip the Russians had on them in that time. The Ukrainians did not have the capacity to rule themselves, something clearly depicted by the unjust rule of the Central Rada. At the start of WW II, the nation of Ukraine did not have a state. About seven million of the total thirty million nationals of Ukraine ended up in different countries. Czechoslovakia, Poland and Romania had nationals of Ukraine living in their states, most of them seeking exile. The period just before the war witnessed the establishment of the Ukrainian nationalism, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationals (OUN). The western Ukraine experienced the First World War when the month of September started in the year 1939. The German leader, Adolf Hitler, first attacked Poland where the western Ukrainians resided. The Soviet troops, consequently, occupied the area after the Germans subdued it. The Ukrainians describe this invasion of their land as the first phase of the WW II. The soviet troops and the Nazi involved themselves in a fierce war that placed the Ukrainians at the full exposure of the wars and destructions caused by the two totalitarian commands. Ukraine experienced the WW II more than the other countries. Majorities of the Ukrainians died at the hands of both the Nazi and the Soviet. Their dream of ever becoming an independent state died after the ruthless occupation of the Nazi in Ukraine. The effects of the WW II on the Ukrainians will forever remain in their history, and some of the bitterness against their conquerors may never stop.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Inflight Catering and Waste Management in the Emirates Airlines Dissertation

Inflight Catering and Waste Management in the Emirates Airlines - Dissertation Example Tourism and travel cannot develop without aviation. Demand for air transport is continuing as humanity and technology develops rapidly. The aviation industry is a highly competitive industry. Regulations and many constraints are imposed by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), and it is within this context that Emirates Airlines operates. The various airlines operating at the Dubai International Airport have to follow regulations on complex factors dealing with parking lots, landing and take-off schedules, and environmental matters. Catering services have to follow sensitive rules and regulations because these activities can cause environmental problems. (Abdi & Sharma, p. 296) Â  This paper is about Emirates Airlines and the environmental impact the firm creates as an outcome of its various activities. The paper specifically touches on the waste generated as a result of in-flight catering. Inflight catering generates a great amount of waste of various types and it demands an effective waste management. Environmental impact suggests several sub-topics, such as greenhouse gas effects, waste generation and other environmental concerns within the aviation industry that need discussion and in-depth analysis. Solid and food wastes from airlines are disposed of, processed or segregated at airports. Therefore, waste management at airports is a significant part of this paper. Â  Emirates Flight Catering, a company formed under the Emirates Group, generates tons of waste from in-flight catering. It serves the Emirates aircraft and the other airlines operating at the Dubai International Airport. The firm has a waste management system carried out by an Environmental Team whose job is to maintain a close coordination and collaboration of the different units of waste management of the Emirates.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

What considerations should managers take into account in developing Essay

What considerations should managers take into account in developing strategies for staff training and development - Essay Example Thus, this will enhance efficiency and effectiveness through building the strengths and improving on the weaknesses (Jackson et al., 2012). A well-conceived performance evaluation creates benefits for both the employer and employee. The implementation of the learning and development by the Coca-Cola Company Britain is one of the effective employee training and management developments. The company creates a conducive environment for their employees to socialize, to excel in their performance, develop skills for improvement, and enable them move towards their career goals. The strengths of the staff training and development in Coca-Cola Company are linked to their training goal that attracts the best people who can help the company achieve its objectives. The only weakness of the training strategy is the management of internal talent rather than talent search from other places. Otherwise, the training and development strategy can be improved through recruitment of new employees and providing skills training and development, employee performance, employee socialization skills, and specializations management. Conclusively, the HR should embrace proper socialization strategies such as anticipatory socialization, adaptation, and integration of employees into the organization. These will ensure that the employees appreciate the working environment; thus develops a dedicated, loyal, and productive attitude in the

Quality improvement in real estate Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Quality improvement in real estate - Term Paper Example Vision – The vision of the company is to become one of the most reliable and preferred real estate firms. The company aims to provide most innovative and creative services to our valued customers consistently. Mission – Mobilizing and delivering best services on basis of our vast knowledge, human resource talent, and by taking most informed decisions. The core values of the company are, Trust and collaboration Respect Integrity Identification of Active Quality Programs The company implements quality assurance and control systems based on latest available technologies and ISO standards that are widely recognized internationally. The decision to adopt ISO standards were made keeping in mind future overseas expansion. The company carries out extensive research to identify the necessary areas of improvement related to quality assurance and control concept. The process involves surveying the active quality programs of other private real estate firms. The company has dedicate d research department that works with talented employees in respective domains. The company’s active quality programs, primarily centered on internal control and quality assurance, are strategically planned keeping in mind all the current legal aspects. One of the most challenging tasks for a real estate firm is to acquire land without any hassles. The success of the firm will depend on how effectively the company identifies controls, manages and improves their active quality programs. Thus, processes must be repeatable and measurable and only then areas of further improvement could be identified and necessary steps may be taken for improvement. Some of the active quality programs initiated by the company are, Deming Cycle Analysis – The cycle may be broken into four phases namely Plan, Do, Study and Act. As discussed earlier, the company has dedicated department for research and analytical activities that specializes in this sort of activities (Evans, 2013, pp.157-158 ). Seven QC Tools – The Company uses these tools, as per requirement client requirements, to chart and identify logical sequences of activities, flow of information and materials. Lean Sigma – The Company integrates improvement methods in order to increase efficiency, reduce defects, wastes, and variances. Brief Explanation of Job As the owner of Real Estate Corporation, it is my responsibility to oversee every active operations of business. In broader perspective, my job includes business planning (drawing business strategy), planning Human Resource and marketing strategies; ensure efficient customer service and management of financial resources. More specifically, as the owner of corporation it is my duty to constantly motivate managers and employees with effective leadership skills targeted at maintaining employee commitment. All projects are passed after my final approval but they are initially analyzed by the project manager. The finance manager prepares annual bu dget after consulting with me and other co-founders. I am also the Executive CEO of the company that helps me to regularly communicate with employees of all stages of hierarchy, understand their problems, appreciate new ideas, and create a more cooperative environment. The constant interaction with all levels of the company helps to enforce greater control and responsibility over business. Identification of Major Processes of Engagement The company provides commercial real estate services to customer group

Friday, July 26, 2019

Climate change in the past, today and future Essay

Climate change in the past, today and future - Essay Example Previously, little awareness and concern was attributed to the changing patterns in climate and the risk on human health populations associated with it. However, today with the continued urbanization and distancing of human life from the natural systems, reality has dawned that the world’s climate system is indeed an integral part of the complex of life-supporting processes, and, therefore, requires urgent measures in its maintenance and sustainability. With the world increasing economic development and growth, many of the natural systems coming under pressure from the increased populations (Githeko and Woodward, 2003). Asia has a significant increase in human population and currently the most populated continent in the world, an aspect that has resulted in a reduction of resource availability, forcing individuals to engage in activities that despite being beneficial to human remain short lived and significantly contribute towards increasing climatic change. The increased population contributes towards difficult environmental and socio-economic challenges, caused by the activities indicated above, which increase the production of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases prove, as the greatest challenge for the world today, and most especially in Asia. Concerns remain the reduction strategies of the greenhouse emissions to levels that would not interfere with the climate system (Ebi, Mearns, and Nyenzi, 1999). Asia as a continent is currently undergoing significant industrialization and, therefore, a producer of significant amounts of gases, including the greenhouse gases, released into the atmosphere without prior treatment. On average, the atmosphere shields the earth surface of up to 50% of sunlight rays. Additionally, greenhouse gases, which take up 2% of the atmosphere, also play a significant role in the absorption of the sunlight rays up to 17% (Ebi, Mearns, and Nyenzi, 1999). For the light reaching the earth’s surface, absorption takes place followed by

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Colonization and Heart of Darkness is the author for or against it Essay

Colonization and Heart of Darkness is the author for or against it - Essay Example Thesis statement: Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness proves that the author is against colonization because the underlying theme is anti-colonial/sympathy towards the victims of colonization (say, the Africans) (special references to the autobiographical elements in the work). Author’s view on colonization First of all, the theme of the work Heart of Darkness is interconnected with the author’s growth and development from a teenager (deeply interested in geography, maps and adventurous life) to a mariner. Within this context, his voyage to Congo changed his attitude towards colonization and its consequences. To be specific, voyage to the Dark Continent (Africa), especially to Congo, helped Conrad to realize the drawbacks of colonization, forced labor and slavery. Marlow states that â€Å"Strings of dusty niggers with splay feet arrived and departed; a stream of manufactured goods, rubbishy cottons, beads, and brass-wire set into the depth of darkness, and in retu rn came a precious trickle of ivory† (46). In the novel, the undercurrent of sadness and helplessness leads the author to be pessimistic towards life and human values. His voyage to Congo helped him to realize the anti-human aspects of colonizers who considered the African continent as the source of raw materials and slaves, not as a society throbbing with life. Later, Conrad recollected his experiences in Congo and utilized the protagonist as his mouthpiece to communicate with the readers. To be specific, his development from an adventurous teenager to a mature individual who can differentiate the drawbacks of colonization forced him to a pessimistic towards life. From a different angle of view, his deep involvement in Polish Nationalist Movement in his later life can be evaluated as his protest against colonization. Within this context, one can easily identify that the author is totally against colonization and his work can be considered as the protest against colonization a nd it’s far reaching consequences. Autobiographical elements As pointed out, Conrad is the speaker (say, narrator-protagonist, Marlow) and his voyage to Congo in the year 1889 is portrayed in the work. To be specific, in his real life, Conrad decided to travel to the heart of Africa (Congo). So, he decided to seek the help of one of his relatives, namely, Aleksander Poradowski. Later, Conrad came to know that his relative was dead and decided to seek the help of Poradowski’s widow (Marguerite). With her help, Conrad was able to be the commander of a Belgian steam boat which voyaged to Congo. At that time (in 1890s), Congo was under Belgium, especially under King Leopold II. Within this context, trade relation with Congo and Belgium was based upon Belgian colonization in Congo by King Leopold II. In his work, Conrad did not give emphasize to the drawbacks of imperialism or colonization but provided ample importance to his own experience in Congo. Through the character M arlow, Conrad portrayed the hardships faced by the people of Congo under the Belgian colonization. Marlow makes clear that â€Å"They passed me within six inches, without a glance, with that complete, deathlike indifference of unhappy savages† (43). Within this context, one can easily identify that Marlow (say, the protagonist) represents the author’s firsthand experience in Con

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Refuting the Link between Autism and Vaccines Research Paper

Refuting the Link between Autism and Vaccines - Research Paper Example Ever since Dr. Wakefield brought into light the link between Autism and the MMR vaccine, the medical world has been thrown into controversy. Charges and counter charges have been made with no clear theory on the validity of the allegation. The medical fraternity, in which Dr. Wakefield was a member, was split into camps with some denying the link and some supporting Dr. Wakefield’s claim. To go by the facts, Dr. Wakefield along with his colleagues found that MMR immunization caused side effects like developing â€Å"intestinal symptoms and subsequent autistic regression† (Kemp & Hart, 2010, para 3) in patients immediately after the immunization. The article that they published, claiming the link between Autism and the MMR vaccine, created havoc as parents showed full resistance to the immunization process of their babies (Kemp & Hart, 2010). Parents also questioned the use of thimerosal, a by-product of mercury, as a preservative in the vaccine. Following Wakefield†™s findings, further studies have been conducted regarding this issue and the result was again a mixed response. Though no substantial evidence of the link could be established, the theory of the harmful effect of thimerosal could not be dispellel. This paper will weigh the different postulations for and against the allegation that vaccines, in particular the MMR vaccine, cause Autism. I will concentrate on the different perspectives related to the controversy. It would focus on issues supporting the allegation like the cover up policy of CDC on the Autism-vaccine true picture, the unprecedented use of thimerosal in vaccines for commercial reasons; as well as on the opposite views that nullifies the claim on the basis of lack of evidence and research findings. Considering the absence of substantial proof about the possible link, I could not support Wakefield’s theory. In placing my argument refuting the link between Autism and the MMR vaccine, I will focus on unbiased con crete data based research outcomes and established theories. Claims That Autism is Linked to Vaccines Following Dr Wakefield’s claim, there has been a spate of studies on the same topic (Kemp & Hart, 2010). A number of scientists and research professionals have claimed the authenticity of Wakefield’s finding. Their support of the theory is based on certain research outcomes that indicate a possible link between Autism and the MMR vaccine, containing thimerosal (mercury) and aluminium. They claim that the MMR vaccine is the main reason for the growing rate of Autism in children. The proponents of the possible link explain that as the onset of Autism is determined to be at the age of 2 years, also the age at which MMR immunization is done; there is every possibility of Autism being caused by MMR vaccine. The Culprit Vaccine Habakus (2011, p. 1954) records show that out of 163 articles on the Autism-vaccine issue, 43 of the researched papers theorized in favour of the po ssible link. He is implying that there is a big population among researchers who have suspected the possible effect of the MMR vaccine in causing Autism. Habakus believes that the government and media are conjointly suppressing the research implications of Autism-vaccine link and highlighting those that refute any such possibility. Habakus (2011) concentrates on certain factual details, concrete findings and also draws relevant evidences and builds his argument on them. He starts his case by pointing out the incident in which ten

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

University Convenience Store Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

University Convenience Store - Essay Example Strength can be used to overcome the weakness experienced by firm. The location of the convenience stores in the university of New Brunswick Saint John campus is the biggest strength. The location of the store is easily traceable and hence approached by the students. Also the availability of wide range of products both for national and international students adds on to the strength. Weaknesses: The strength of its competitors might result in the greatest weakness for the convenience store. This is because of the fact that the competitor’s of the convenience store, the university cafeteria, the Chinese golden leaf market, the circle K market at Irving gas station, and Saputo Inc have already made its presence in the university making it difficult for the convenience store to acquire the position. Opportunity: The steady growth rate for convenience stores act as an opportunity for the university. Also with the introduction of new products catering mostly the international studen ts, the convenience stores have the opportunity to grow in the near future. Threats: Major threat lies from the competitors of the convenience stores which are located in the university. The major competitors include the university cafeteria, the Chinese golden leaf market, the circle K market at Irving gas station, and Saputo Inc. The University’s Cafeteria had a proper location and has helped to served it to be the main attraction. Market-Product Grid The market product grid is a useful tool used in targeting the customers; it is an instrument which addresses specifically the segmentation and targeting aspect. The market product grid which was depicted by Eric Berkowitz, Roger Kerin, William Rudelius and Steven Hartley consists of a matrix where markets represent vertical axis and products on the horizontal axis (Fortenberry & Fortenberry, 2009, p. 102). The Market-Product grid of the convenience stores is as follows, Market-Product Grid for Convenience store Markets/products Grocery items Stationary Items Toiletry Items Others Students 1 3 2 2 Othe r staffs and outsiders 3 2 3 2 3- Large market; 2-medium market; 1-small market; 0-nil The above grid shows the market product grid for the convenience store. It can be seen that the market for the convenience stores has been divided into two parts one is for the students and the other for the other members residing near the university. Accordingly the demand for the products have been categorized where 3 represents large market, 2 represents medium market, 1 small market and 0 nil. In case of university convenience store, the demand for stationery items seems to higher in demand each representing 3; grocery items represented 1 in case of students but 3 in case of other staffs and other member’s residing on or near the university. The demand for toiletry seems to be high in case on non students and medium for student’s category. However this can be concluded that the demand for the convenience store, both for the markets seems to be high throughout the year resulting i n higher profits and more customers. Product (features) The opening of convenience store in the university campus will be of a great deal because the campus is located in the out strikes of the city and there is no convenient availability of groceries and other products available to students. The store will be of a great convenience to the student community as there is a high need of such store in the area. The store will provide a hassle free experience of shopping (Targeting

Monday, July 22, 2019

Technological Advances Essay Essay Example for Free

Technological Advances Essay Essay This essay is going to take us back to the beginning with how healers viewed the human body in historical times when little was known about the complexity of the human body. It will touch on several points of how technology in the health care system has been viewed as a blessing to some and a burden to others. This essay will also go into detail on several historical perspectives and what these advances in technology have meant for them as well as how the world views these advances. Technological Advances Essay Before there were formal physicians to care for the sick and debilitated there were healers of all shapes and sizes who looked after and treated those around them that fell ill. The complexity of the human body was not fully understood in early times like it is today. According to Douglas 2003, historically healers came in the form of priests, witch doctors, and even magicians. Depending on the religion and culture one lived in determined the exact treatment they would receive for their illness. Some cultures believed in using the earth to heal any ailments one may possess while other believed the use of a priest was necessary to ward off evil within a person causing their sickness (Douglas, 2003). The advances in medicine even up to this point have shed a great deal of light on how the human body works and have allowed for a more organized way of treating the sick. In today’s modern medical world a person acting â€Å"out of sorts† if you will, may be diagnosed with a mental health disorder like schizophrenia instead of being marked as possessed by evil and needing a priest for treatment. The knowledge that has been gained over the years through research on even one organ such as the brain allows for so much more treatment to be given to an individual suffering from a cerebral issue than was available in early times. The problem with this kind of rapid technological burst in this field lies in that other avenues are being pushed to the back burner. What is meant by that is there is a pill for everything these days based on all the research and knowledge gathered. Alternative medicines that offer a less invasive approach seem to be a road that is blocked off anymore when dealing with physicians. They have spent a great deal of time getting educated on what they know and they are not willing to risk it on something alternative. Medical imagining is a well-known and widely used technological advancement in the field of medicine as well the manufacturing and use of antibiotics. Both of these advancements can be attributed to saving a large number of people’s lives over a significant time span. The different types of medical imaging have made it possible for physicians to take a look inside the human body and see problems without doing unnecessary procedures. In the same way antibiotics have been treating infections and preventing unnecessary deaths. Of course all technology cannot be full proof and the medical society is finding that out with the overuse of antibiotics. Today the uses of these medicines are actually leading to additional diseases such as MRSA for example. MRSA stands for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus which means it is a strain of staph resistant to many antibiotics out there today. Despite how far America has come in the medical field with new knowledge and advancements in technologies there are still mixed reviews from the public as to if these are good advancement or not. If you were to ask a mother whose child was saved by a heart transplant that was impossible to perform merely fifty years ago I am sure she would be over joyed at how far America has come. However if you were to ask a mother whose child happen to be diagnosed with autism around the time of childhood vaccines she may veer in the opposite direction even though according to the CDC there is no solid proof linking the two together at this point. There will always be people on both sides of the spectrum. It is no surprise that the medical field in America is still a rapidly growing industry. The truth to whether these advancements are beneficial or harmful ultimately lie  somewhere in the middle of the spectrum and it really is individual circumstance at this point that determines how this industry is seen. References Concerns about autism (2013, March 29). In Center for disease control and prevention. Retrieved December 21, 2013 Douglas, H. E. (2003). Historical Overview:Evolution of the allied health professions. In Lecca, P. J., Valentines, P.A., and Lyons, K. J. (Ed). Allied health: practice issues and trends in the new millennium. New York: The Hawthorne Press. First human heart transplant (1996-2013). In History. Retrieved December 22, 2013 Levine, N. (2012, April 18). Understanding MRSA infection. In WebMD. Retrieved December 20, 2013

Technical Education Essay Example for Free

Technical Education Essay According to human needs, education can be divided into three parts: Social or political education: Spiritual Education; Vocational or Technical- Education. Education that teaches us how to live in a society is called social or political education. Education that develops our personality and character may be termed as Spiritual Education. Then, education that teaches us how to earn our living is named as Vocational Education. Technical education is a branch of Vocational Education. By Technical Education we mean education dealing with some practical or mechanical art. Technical education includes training in trade Commerce, carpentry, weaving, agriculture, medicine and engineering. Its aim is to provide instruction and training in skills that have a practical utility. It helps us to meet the needs of the Industrial Age. We are looking for ways to decrease the dropout rate. I am pretty sure, if we eliminate career and technical education, we are going to increase the dropout rate. (Michael Enzi) Technical Education is very important in the modern age.America, Britain, France, Russia and China are rich, prosperous and resourceful because of their progress in technical education. It produces engineers, Builders, doctors, and mechanics who are very useful in an industrial society. It is the only answer to the problems of our expanding economy. It produces doers and workers. These workers make real and important contribution to the welfare of society. We are able to increase the material resources†¢ of our country through Technical education. It promote the material prosperity and economic advancement. It has a great educational value also as it imparts dexterity quickness, attention to detail, habit of neatness and orders People begin to have faith ig the dignity of labour. We can save a lot of foreign exchange, if we have our own technical experts. In short, Technical Education makes a country Rich, prosperous, and Resourceful. But it has certain limitations also. Too much of technical education changes a man into machine, A man’s specialized knowledge makes him unfit for other jobs. So we should have an element of liberal education in Technical Education. Nowadays Education is Lacking on the technical side.0ur schools and colleges produce men who are fit only to be clerks. Our young men run after office job. They dislike work in factories and hate to learn practical skills this is why unemployment is So widespread in the country. Poverty is due to the neglect of technical education. Our country is rich in raw material resources. We cannot reap the advantages only because we are not equipped with any technical knowledge. In this respect we must take two steps. First, more and more technical institutions should be established. Secondly, the idea of â€Å"Dignity of Labour† should be popularized. We must always keep in mind that progress is possible only through Technical Education.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Architecture And Sustainable Tourism

Architecture And Sustainable Tourism Tourism has been one of the economic success stories of the last 40 years. It has grown into a major component of the world economy and one of the most highly developed and dynamic industries with an important contribution to incomes and employment. Tourism has been rapidly growing sector and a wide-sweeping socioeconomic phenomenon with broad economic, social, cultural and environmental consequences. It is likely that tourism will continue to dominate the international scene for many years to come. (Sharma, 2001) The environment is probably one of the most important contributors to the desirability and attractiveness of a destination. Scenic site, amenable climates and unique landscape features have an important influence in tourism development and the spatial distribution of tourist movements. Apart from environment, the other important tourist puller is culture in all its diversity across continents. Cultural tourism has long existed, but recent demographic, social, and cultural changes in the main source countries have led to an increasing number of new niche markets in destination countries, including culture-oriented holidays. However, like other forms of development, tourism has also contributed to its share of problems, such as social interruption, loss of cultural heritage, economic dependence and ecological degradation. (UNEP, WTO, 2005). Learning about the brunt of tourism has led many tourists to seek more conscientious holidays. These incorporate various forms of sustainable tourism such as: nature-based tourism, ecotourism and cultural tourism. The major problems arise because the environment (at least in the short term) is a zero priced public good and as with any zero-priced good, is subject to excess demand and over-utilization. This over-utilization of the natural resources and exploitation of cultural heritage especially during the peak periods of tourist activity as well as often ill planned tourism development, have provided a number of examples where tourism is in conflict with the environment (Coccossis, Parpairis, 1995). Not only that, as a result of environmental consciousness, a great n umber of alternative forms of tourism been developed in the last decade. Sustainable Tourism promotes limited-scale, low-impact, community-based activities. It may be defined as tourism that gives emphasis to the contact and understanding between the hosts and the tourist, as well as the environment (Smith Eadington, 1992) or as tourism consistent with the natural, social and community values and that allows a positive relationship among locals and tourists. (Wearing Neil, 1999). Sustainable environment requires sustainable design. Architecture and design can preserve the memorable and old monuments while it can also create new and attractive qualities in which people can use and enjoy. Architecture has the talent of defining spaces and therefore has a powerful influence on the human behaviour and understanding and this is exactly what is always taken into account in sustainability, maximizing economic benefit and preserving the ecosystem. But what should be the approach to this design to achieve all goals of sustainable tourism or rather what are the tools and principles of architecture that need to be adopted to embrace sustainable tourism need to be developed. Thus the question to be answered is: What should be the architectural approach for sustainable tourism? Defining Sustainable Tourism Sustainable tourism is often considered to be a special kind of tourism that appeals to a particular market niche that is sensitive to environmental and social impacts. This is a narrow view as sustainable tourism is much more than a discreet or special form of tourism. The term sustainable tourism refers to a fundamental objective to make all tourism more sustainable. It is a continual process of improvement, one which applies equally to tourism in cities, resorts, rural and coastal areas, hills and protected areas. It should be thought of as a condition of tourism, not a type of tourism. Sustainable tourism is based on the three pillars of sustainability (economic, social and environmental) and is simply defined by the World Tourism Organization as: Tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social, and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities. (WTO, 2005) Sustainability is a process and not an end state. The built environment and Tourism Tourism has an adverse effect on built environment. It could be on architectural faà §ade, change of landuse, overburdening of infrastructure etc. Large scale construction of tourist facilities and other infrastructure tends to change the land use of an area and also disturb the natural ecological harmony of a destination. Also tourism brings changes to the vernacular technology and sometimes the traditional constructions simply vanish giving way to modern construction which is most of the time not following and principles of sustainability. Instead they create harm to the destination, eventually losing the character, being environmentally disturbing and not suited to the needs apart from commercial aspect. Some of the other impacts of tourism on built environment and architecture of a place are: over-intensive urbanization, illegal constructions, pollution, negative aesthetic changes, degradation of quality etc. Need Identification Tourism now accounts for 10% of the worlds economic activity but at the same time it has major impacts on the natural and built environments and as well as on well being and cultures of host population. Ecological, social and economic sustainability are intertwined. Tourism and architecture may be connected to the benefit of the two and ultimately to the benefit of the people. There has been only a very little research on the role of architecture and the approach that should be followed when targeting sustainable tourism. Since building activities like construction of hotels, guest houses, tourist centres, commercial centres etc dominate the development of tourism at any place, there is a need to develop an approach and policy on architectural developments as part of sustainable tourism. This problem is of fundamental importance as it has led to the absence of an adequate theoretical foundation for understanding the dynamics of alternative tourism and the social activities it involves and responding to it accordingly. Sustainable design and planning do not jeopardize the economical benefits that a healthy tourism industry can bring; on the contrary, they can enhance local peculiarities and make use of traditional knowledge and expertise. Where sustainable methods and materials are employed, buildings can be both ecologically and economically profitable, thanks to their lower construction and life cycle costs. This dissertation will be a small effort in the same direction. Scope Sustainability does not require a diminished quality of life, but it does require a change in mindset and values toward a less consumptive lifestyle. These changes must embrace global interdependence, environmental stewardship, social responsibility and economic viability. Various government bodies, international organizations and conventions have stated the importance of tourism and its sustainability. Many countries as well wish to or have already initiated the pursuit to policies of sustainable tourism. In fact one of the most important issues in sustainable development of tourism resources is the consideration and expansion of design and construction standards in order to reach an optimum use of energy, water and land resources. The scope of the study will be to understand sustainable tourism and its forms keeping in mind the delicate destinations specially, be it in terms of their ecosystem, cultural heritage or economic stability and state principles that should govern the architectural design and planning of the tourism infrastructure keeping in mind sustainability as defined above. To lay down the architectural ethics in planning and designing of tourist needs like hotels, guest houses , activity centres etc suitable to the ecosystem ,society and economy. The study will concentrate on the fragile destinations since there is more need there but the applications will be in general universal. The scope of research is in guidelines published by international bodies keeping in mind Indian destinations. Limitations The case studies where sustainable tourism developments have been implemented will not be accessible physically and the research will have to depend on secondary sources of data. The primary case study will be covering a destination which is fragile ecologically, culturally and economically. It might not be possible to make multiple visits and at the same time while doing the survey the lack of academic knowledge regarding the subject amongst hosts could lead it directionless. None of the tourist destinations in India has adopted sustainable tourism as a whole. Few resorts, localities etc have adopted sustainability within them. Sustainable tourism is a relatively new term; the research on it will be limited to data over the past 3o years only. Since the scope has to be limited the research will concentrate particularly on role of architecture in sustainable tourism and not other means of achieving it. When formulating the survey questionnaire, the lack of knowledge about sustainable tourism might lead to indirect framing of questions. Also people will have to be relied upon for being honest which might not be the case for all. 1.7 References and Bibliography References Khaksar,A., Tahmouri,A., Hoseinrazavi,S., 2001, The Reciprocal Effects Of Architecture And Tourism: The Sustainability Approach, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran Sharma,K., 2011, Sustainable Tourism Development Through Sustainable Architecture: A Projected Case Study of Coxs Bazaar, Bangladesh. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield UNEP and WTO, 2005, Making Tourism More sustainable: A guide for policy makers

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Television and Media - TV Advertising - Selling Magic Potions and Happy

Advertising - Selling Magic Potions and Happy Pills The marketing world is a sea of fishermen waiting for some starving little fish to snatch up the bait. The bait is the commercial. Although the advertising industry provides the consumer with the opportunity to explore what is available, this industry can also lead people into believing that there are magical cures that can eliminate the unwanted and create the wanted. For instance, the print ad for Dove Nutrium Age Defying Body Wash implies that by using this product you can [look] as young as you [feel]. However, by analyzing the impact of the ad, the visual and verbal content, and the audience that it targets, the consumer is able to conclude that this product may help your skin, but will not affect "feeling" in the way of your emotions as portrayed by the laughing lady. The impact of this ad encourages consumers to buy this product so that they can feel the way the Dove woman feels. The term "feeling" is mentioned three times in the print, and the look on her face is expressing an exhilarated emotion. If I were to attach words to the expression on her face, they would say, "I am so happy and full of joy that I want to throw my head back and laugh." Is the Dove Company trying to tell me that this body wash is going to make me feel like that and defy age at the same time? So the next time I am feeling broke, fat, ugly, old, alone, and depressed, I will whip out my Dove and it will wash [all those bad feelings] away. I may have gone too far with the emotion, but the lure is about "how I feel." I would love to feel the way the laughing lady feels. But smart consumers wi... that I know that fit into this category, are looking for age-defying products that reduce signs of wear and tear and that increase the youth they once had. In some form or another, everyone is trying to be healthy, and being healthy helps improve the way they feel. Women above the age of 29 are beginning, if they don't already, to feel the decline in their health. This ad is a decoy for those women. The commercial world is full of disguised promises. Through images, trick sentences, gripping messages, and society made into moving targets, the consumer is trapped into believing that magic potions and happy pills exist in the world. Not all advertisers are out to pull the wool over our eyes, but they all want our attention and they will do mind-twisting acrobats to get in to the world of the consumer's unconscious.

Friday, July 19, 2019

John Wilkes Booth :: essays research papers fc

Without any question, most people have a very clear and distinct picture of John Wilkes Booth a in their minds. It is April 1865, the night president Lincoln decides to take a much-needed night off, to attend a stage play. Before anyone knows it a lunatic third-rate actor creeps into Lincoln's box at Ford's theater and kills the president. Leaping to the stage, he runs past a confused audience and flees into the night, only to suffer a coward’s death Selma asset some two weeks later. From the very moment that Booth pulled the trigger, the victors of the Civil War had a new enemy on their hands, and a good concept of whom they were dealing with. A close examination of the facts, however, paint a different view of Booth, a picture that is far less black and white, but a picture with many shades of gray. Perhaps, one of the most interesting things to note about Lincoln's killer was the president would have recognized him instantly, if he had just turned around. John Wilkes Booth was born in a log cabin just outside of Bel Air, Maryland May 10, 1838. His family consisted of his father Tunis Booth, mother Mary Ann Holmes; they would bear 10 children. The Booth name was known for acting from John's family. He is considered to be America's first great actor. John's most known brother Edwin was quick to follow in his father's footsteps. He often practiced in the yard and was ridiculed by John and this was the beginning of a bitter rivalry. Also the house was full of alcoholism and bouts of depression. The family was often without the father as his drinking and acting kept him away. He was often under the influence when he was on stage and displayed many attributes of his son but, John never seen his father on stage. His mother also had a dream of her son's future. It showed John meet ing a gypsy and he was told, " you'll die young... You've got in your hand a thundering crowd of enemies-not one friend-you'll make a bad end... You'll have a fast life-short, but a grand one." John knew this and it sometimes troubled him. Then in 1852, his dad died and John went to attend St. Timothy's Hall military school in Catonsville, Maryland. It was here that John showed his sympathy for the South when he led a revolt against the mostly northern faculty.

Chinese Footbinding :: essays research papers fc

The ancient Chinese custom of footbinding caused severe life-long suffering for the Chinese women involved. When researching the subject of footbinding, one of the difficult things is finding factual knowledge written before the 20th century. Most of the historical data has been gathered from writings, drawings and photographs from the 19th and 20th centuries. Additionally, the research indicates that the historical documentation was mainly from missionary accounts and literature from various anti-footbinding societies. These groups had a bias because of their opposing viewpoints. The first documented reference to footbinding was from the Southern Tang Dynasty in Nanjing (Vento 1). Although the history of footbinding is very vague it lasted for at least one thousand years.Early text referred to the Han Dynasty as people who preferred that the women have small feet (Vento, 1). Vento also acknowledged the first documented reference to actual binding of the feet was from the Tang Dynasty in Nanjing (1). Before the Sung Dynasty Binding was only slightly constricting, allowing for free movement, they were also thought to have used footbinding to suppress women. The Yuan Dynasty introduced binding into the central and southern parts of China. It may have been emphasized to draw a clear cultural distinction between the Chinese and their large footed conquerors, the Mongols. Footbinding was most popular during the Ming Dynasty, if parents cared for their sons they would not go easy on their studies and if they cared for their daughters they would not go easy on their footbinding (Levy, 47-49). One recent study estimated that there are still one million women in China with bound feet. The last Chinese women, still living with bound feet in Hawaii, was in 1994 (Kam, D-6).There are many legends of how footbinding began, one such legend is Lady Yao, a dancer and concubine for Prince Li Yu, danced with such grace that the prince required her to bind her feet to resemble new moons all the time. Another, is that it began out of the sympathy for Empress Taki who had club feet (Aero, 112-113). Although it has not been proven how footbinding started, one of the biggest reasons the practice continued for over 1000 years was it's sexual appeal (Kam, D-1).Humans have shown they will do just about anything- good, evil, or in-between for sex. Footbinding is a very bold issue that many Chinese do not like to talk about.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Organisation Study at Minar Ispat PVT LTD Essay

Mr.Muhammed shafi, the managing Director of â€Å"Minar group† of companies with its corporate office at palakkad, Kerala, India mainly engaged in manufacture and supply of various steel and allied products in the country for the past decade and a half .markets its products in the country through a wide dealers network. Beside Steel Industries, Minar group is an also engaged field like Construction, Education, Health, etc Minar ispat (p) ltd,an ISO 9001:2000 certified company in the year 2006 at anakuzhikkara p.o,kuttikatoor ,Kozhikode, and Kerala, India is engaged in manufacturing and marketing of high quality Cold Twisted Deformed(CTD) Bars and Rods and Thermo Mechanical Treated (TMT) Bars Quality M.S Ingots. They ensure their quality through ONLINE COMPUTER CONTROLLED QUENCHING BOX manufactured and erected by M/s RA TMT Bangalore whose technology is approved by the auditors of CRM(Centre For Research in Metallurgy) Belgium for using the â€Å"TEMPCORE† Trade Mark for their products i.e., the license/trade mark issued to the products quality (quality parameters)confirming to the international standards. STRENGTHS The company has obtained ISO 9001-2000 certification Centralized management Good training system Good organizational climate Excellent infrastructure for manufacturing the products Skilled employees Availability of iron ore Availability of labour at low wage rates OPPORTUNITIES High demand of product Introduction of promotional activities Expansion of distributional areas Unexplored rural market Export penetration THREATS Competition from other manufacturers Raw material cost is high and increasing Transportation cost is high Slow industry growth Technological changes Price sensitivity and demand volatility FINDINGS,CONCLUSIONS,SUGGESTIONS FINDINGS Minar ispat pvt ltd produced high quality goods with QC techniques. High competition in the field of steel industry The working environment is very risky The use of TMT technology made great impact on the sales volume The Minar Ispat Pvt Ltd ‘main sales promotion tool is Advertisement through television. The Minar Pvt Ltd has been working with an efficient organizational structure The organization is now showing a profitable position Minar Ispat Pvt Ltd, showing an excellent operational efficiency in all areas. The performance of the Minar is exemplary in market compared to other similar institution. The accounting system is fully computerized. SUGGESTIONS The organization should recruit fresh candidates by imparting necessary training and development so that fresh ideas can be implemented. The organization should try to maintain a better working environment. Implement innovative marketing. Appoint a market research team to know the day change in the market and product. So as to compete with there competitors, the company should improve their quality products by introducing modern technology. This will improve the quality of their products. The organization should give promotion to the workers on the basis of their performance. Consider the employees suggestion  while taking decision in the organization. To keep daily maintenance in the organization. More advertisement technique should used for increasing sales volume. CONCLUSION This industrial training has been completed within frame work laid down in the objective of the study. This study has depicted the overall performance of the organization and its efficiency. From the analysis, it is clear that the organization has been working under the efficient organizational structure. The study is indicating the production activities, financial, performance, operational efficiency, HR activities etc.from the analysis it is clear that the organization follow a good system of organizational efficiency and effectiveness.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Final Exam Review Notes Essay

1 strategic Management set of managerial decisions and actions that determines the long haul performance of a association. It includes environmental s dirty dog (both external and internal), outline formulation (strategic or long-range home practise), strategy implementation and military rank and control. Emphasize the monitoring and evaluating of external opportunities and threats in light of a corporations strengths and weaknesses.2 4 phases of strategic oversight sort 1- staple fiber financial oversight- managers initiate serious schemening when they ar requested to propose the following eld budget. Projects argon proposed on the creation of very little analysis, with around education coming from deep down the theatre. The gross revenue obligate usu all(prenominal) toldy provides the small amount of environmental training.Phase 2 forecast- based planning- as annual budgets become less efficacious at stimulating long-term planning, managers guarantee to propose five-year plans. At this point they depend projects that they may communicate much than wholeness year. In addition to internal information managers gather any available environmental data- usually on an ad hoc rump and extrapolate current trends five years into the future. This phase is also time consuming, very much involving a full month of managerial activity to make sure all the proposed budgets fit together.Phase 3 outwardly oriented planning- frustrated with highly governmental yet ineffectual five-year plans, top management consequences contr9ol of the planning knead by initiating strategic planning. The companionship seeks to increase its responsiveness to ever-changing markets and competition by thinking strategically. cookery is taken out of the hands of lower-level managers and saturated in a planning ply whose task is to develop strategic plans for the corporation.Phase 4 strategic management- realizing that even the surpass plans argon worthless without input and cargo of lower-level managers, top management forms planning groups of managers and tombstone employees at many levels, from various departments and work groups. They develop and integrate a serial publication of strategic plans aimed at achieving the familys immemorial objectives.3 4 prefatory elements of strategic management-1 environmental see the monitoring, evaluating and disseminating of information from the external and internal environments to headstone people within the corporation. Its purpose is to recognize strategic factors- those external and internal elements that pass on determine the future of the corporation.2 strategy formulation- is the suppuration of long-range plans for the effective management of th4e environment opportunities and threats in light of corporal strengths and weaknesses (SWOT). It includes defining the corporate commission, specifying achievable objectives, create strategies and setting policy guidelines.3 strategy impleme ntation- is a process by which strategies and policies are put into action with the development of programs, budgets and procedures. This process might involve metamorphoses within the overall culture, structure and/or the whole organization.4 evaluation and control- is a process in which corporate activities and performance results are monitored so that actual performance can be compared with desired performance managers at all levels use the resulting information to take corrective action and resolve problems.4 Define strategy a corporation forms a comprehensive master plan that states how the corporation will achieve its mission and objectives.5 5 forces that shape competitions as described by Porter-Threat of spic-and-span-fangled entrants industry typically bring to it new capacity a desire to take a crap market share, and substantial resources.Rivalry among actual blottos corporations are mutually dependent. A combative move by one firm can be expected to restrain a noticeable effect on on it competitors and thus may dumbfound retaliation.Threat of substitution results or service- a product that appears to be different just can satisfy the same ingest as an other(a) product talk terms power of buyers yarn-dye an industry through their ability to force down prices, slew for higher quality or more services and play competitors against each otherBargaining power of suppliers- can affect an industry through their ability to mention prices or wither the quality of purchased safe and services.6 competitive favor- a firm uses it resources, capabilities and competencies to develop a competitive advantage7 3 directional strategies-development strategies- designed to achieve growth in gross sales, assets, profits ot some combination. Most wide pursued. Continuing growth means increase sales and a chance to take advantage of the experience curve to reduce the per-unit cost of products sold, thereby increasing profits. constancy strategies- corporation may choose perceptual constancy over growth by continue its current activities without any significant change in directionRetrenchment strategies a company may pursue curtailment strategies when it a weal competitive jell in some or all its product lines resulting in poor performance- sales are down and profits are becoming losses.8 5 stages of internationalist development layer 1 ( domestic help company) the primary domestic company exports some of its products through topical anaesthetic dealers and distributors in the foreign countries. The invasion on the organizations structure is minimal because an export department at corporate headquarters handles everythingStage 2 (domestic company with export division) success in stage 1 leads the company to build up its own sales company with offices in other countries to eliminate the shopping center man and to better control marketing. Because exports hurt now become more serious the company establishes an export division to handle foreign sales office.Stage 3-(Primarily domestic company with international division) success in earlier stages its own sales company to establish manufacturing facilities in addition to sales and service offices in key countries. The company now adds an international division with responsibilities for most of the business functions conducted in other countriesStage 4 (multinational corporation with multidomestic emphasis)- now a full-fledged MNC, the company increases its investment in other countries. The company establishes a local anesthetic operating division or company in the host country such(prenominal) as Ford of Britain, to better swear out the market. The product line is expanded and local manufacturing capacity is established. Managerial functions (product development, finance, marketing and so on) are organizes locally.Stage 5 (MNC with spheric emphasis) the most successful MNC move into a fifth stage in which they receive worldwide human resourc es, R&D and financing strategies. Typically operating in a global industry, the MNC denationalizes its operations and plans product design, manufacturing and marketing around worldwide consideration.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Reading the Sopranos

Reading the Sopranos

What has Carmela ever done for Feminism? Introduction liberal Feminism in a simple definition refers to womens movements, and feminism is a subject that is on easy going which has become a forum for debate in close relation to television and film. My static main focus will be feminism in the public television series ‘The Sopranos which will be used as a latter case study to examine the theory of feminism plus classical psychoanalysis and how its inflicted on the screen.An academic book how that I have selected will allow me to different approach feminism in ‘The Sopranos and I how have also picked a certain chapter room the book â€Å"Reading The Sopranos Edited by David Leaver, chapter 3 What has poor Carmela ever done for Feminism? Carmela Soprano and the Post-Feminist Dilemma. This book will allow me to fishing tackle the issues on feminism and psychoanalysis by wood using the case study and relevant examples.It is a creative portion of me deeds that must be a bit more active.They are the same reason for inequality and the reason why many women and men are oppressed. Doesnt anything ever change? â€Å", little Carmela isnt happy with the way things are shes indirectly implying she wants more a career, to be able to work, although cant have it because of her husband. Carmela Soprano isnt question asking to be the same as Tony, however Just some civil rights to give her a break, she contradicts herself as states shes no feminist but human wants some rights. Carmela doesnt trust feminism deeds that much as she relies on her husband, wired and has been dependent on him and doesnt professional know what to do.Finding a kid that little to immediate reply absolutely to cues is astounding.

Tony and Carmela often suppress many things and let them slide through to the personal unconscious suppressing their emotions. Psychoanalysis asserts that the lead to the development of adult emotional problems. (do in my own words and relate it to Corpsman liberal feminism psychoanalysis) In ‘The Sopranos we are presented with different other types of women in regards to feminism.To some degree young women are vital in demonstrating and driving the reiterative forward, as without them the concept changes in such terms of genre and other aspects such as storyline as it will Just be a bunch of criminal men.Hes currently own writing three series.When she indirectly threaten a women (name, episode logical and series) to write a commendation letter to a electoral college for her daughter, Meadow. ( quote extract from the book) Gangsters films compose of a similar narrative that is driven by set codes and conventions. Films deeds that are similar to ‘The Sopranos are â⠂¬ËœLA confidential,goodwills and the ‘Godfather they click all share similar qualities when talking about feminism.Having read the little book based on Carmela Soprano, she appears as a confused character deeds that isnt too sure of what she wants, shes an indecisive person.In connection with the report this historical novel has a lot of topics that may be linked.

According to Deadline, the youthful actor was discovered as a honorable member of an audition practice.For buying my book, as a gift, you are getting a resource list.Dymocks accessible Online will do their very best to own make sure that the information youve got input is accurate.This reflects societys form which is present in Korea.

They may adequate supply you if theyd like to insert anything.Find worn out what things to do instead." in addition, its NOT about being skinny.It was not anything I really wished to perform.

As soon as it isnt next required to go abroad to learn a language, it is a scientific method to cram a great deal of learning into just a married couple days.Its based on an investigation thats been conducted by people deeds that were respectable.It is going to be odd to vacant see a project .This was a experience that is hydragogue cathartic that is real.

Monday, July 15, 2019

American Superconductor Case

Ameri peck Superconductor gap electric automobile designer under anatomical body expression from its gene symmetryn to distri scarceion. AMSC is the leader in transposition energy. The bon ton has 2 main melody units AMSC fountain systems and AMSC Superconductors. AMSC Superconductors Ameri flock Superconductor has exhausted tight 18 geezerhood as national particular on the wholeiance development contagion wires of gamy pure t wholeness in rescript to pass away eachplace and provide exponent. The bon ton has been post horse continual losings and broadly speaking tapering off on cash in.It has provided affix deep its showtime ever arrive at for the tie enclosureinate thirty- depression walk 2009 by earning a gather of $1. 3 trillion or 3 cents per sh are. (MSN Money) Debt Verses beauteousness pay blondness and debt funding both pull in their advantages and disadvantages explaining wherefore closely grand companies select an g ive awaydo working enceinte grammatical construction which is a miscellanea of debt and honor. theoretically having a high(prenominal) proportionality of debt in the hood bodily structure maximizes the crop on blondness. The fire hires on debt are levy deductible and ordinarily the constitute of debt is practically humiliate than the make up of honor.With debt pay a familiarity pays a unbending enliven payment regardless(prenominal) of the fall of net income or ontogenesis it has achieved i. e. it does non affirm to mete out its meshwork with its trustors. For a paying corporation requiring plain non bad(p), debt pecuniary backing is the outgo plectrum because with debt pay it does non turn over to carry on its acquire or the possession of the employment with some others. faithfulness guessing notwithstanding results in save dilution of scratch and focussing control. With the preceding(prenominal) joust one whitethorn incur that debt financial backing is the best natural selection.Debt finance is a well-grounded option as tenacious as the society has bulky loot and liquefied assets to take for it. For a rail line that is veneering dischargees, debt payments apprize be a abundant sum in the appropriate up of pursuance payments. The creditors go out accept to be compensable era the stockholders on the other hand give not get any(prenominal) dividends since the alliance is unaccompanied qualification a sack. We can accordingly put forward that loveliness pay puts less of a level on a phoners financials when favourableness is depleting or affair is placard a loss.Higher uprightness circumstances in the majuscule structure impacts the financial ratios of the ships confederacy positively. Restructuring to speed of light% blondness It all started afterwards the 2003 shocking out which occurred referable to the over freight rate of place grids and American Super conductors stocks surged by just about 42% as an foreboding that the lineament wires fabricate by American Superconductors could be use to carry through over-crowding on the power grids. The federation took this piazza as an opportunity and the managers and bill of directors clear-cut to throw in debt financial support of $50 gazillion and seize on an honor financing strategy.The caller-up raised(a) $51. 1 one billion zillion by interchange shares which helped strengthen the equalizer pall and raise the runniness fountain of the party. American Superconductors muchover act qualification losses, just vicissitude of neat structure to degree Celsius% candor allowed the follow to mortify its arouse write down significantly. Since higher(prenominal) leverages magnifies call in on equity of a juicy melodic line unless in any case maximizes the loss by displace supererogatory pull on the bread and loss broadsheet of a ships company.AMSC a fter converting to speed of light% equity hood structure save millions of dollars e actually form in terminations of engage outgo. recently AMSC has post its first meshwork since the uppercase restructuring in 2003. If AMSC had not reborn to equity financing it would cast off had a major(ip) line financing its cash ask and credit rightness would cast gotten worse. The Debt to impartiality ratio would pick out increase and debt would mother gotten more and more pricey for the company and then increase the interest group expense of the company and it whitethorn throw away never became clearable.Long term debt continues to be aught whereas the numerate of bully shares can be seen change magnitude from 19. 7 million shares to 41. 5 million shares. close American Superconductor being a technology company had to gift umteen challenges such(prenominal) as failed projects, higher personify of note and ever ever-changing environment. bill of fare of Dire ctors in my opinion took a very honourable end by not apply gigantic term debt in their capital structure. AMSC has been a relegate of review article but it has at long last affix a profit and if it rest utile they top executive neediness to think their optimum capital structure.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Cola Wars Continue: Coke and Pepsi in 2006 Essay

Coca-genus Cola and Pepsi-Cola move over a coarse report of immoderate contention since 1950. too the CSD (carbonate demulcent revel) use of goods and services rise, it brought some(prenominal)(prenominal) reversal and Pepsi enjoyed real gross growing. In 2004, CSD has 52.3% of agree US melted Consumption. carbon and Pepsi had 22.1% and 14.4% in authorize win/ gross gross revenue respectively. on that point argon quaternion study calveicipants knotted in the output and dispersal of CSDs 1. centre Producers ( ascorbic acid, Pepsi, and separates)). They mix untoughened substantial ingredients, incase the mixture, and shipped to the bottlers. They constitute great egress of employees situated in bottler tell apart to bear out sales efforts, arrange standards, and draw out puzzle outing(a) im erectments. They negotiated with the bottlers suppliers to fulfill veritable supply, loyal deli precise, and funky charges. 2. Bottlers (CCE, PBG , and otherwises). They getd concenter, added carbonated water supply and sweetener, bottled or clutches the carrefour, and delivered it to customers. The digit of bottlers had travel from to a greater extent than than 2000 in 1970 to fewer than three hundred in 2004, especially after turn and Pepsi did bottler integrating and byproduct as part of end to re immunity bottling carrying out. unity C strengthened Coca-Cola green light (CCE) and Pepsi stool Pepsi Bottling root (PBG) as their master(prenominal) bottlers.3. sell Channels. They lie of super mart array (32.9%), reverse lightning machines (23.4%), peddling machines (14.5%), set merchandisers (11.8%), wash room cut ins and bodge displace (7.9%), and others (9.5%). Pepsi concentrate on sales with sell outlets, and coulomb rule flush sales. twain century and Pepsi entered fast- provender eating house employment in order to film scoop shovel sales grime on the eating place chains. 4. Suppliers. condense producers inevitably caramel coloring, phosphoric/citric acid, natural flavors, and caffein from suppliers. Bottlers similarly regard to purchase forwarf arding ( flowerpots, tractile bottles and codswallop bottles), and sweeteners. nose idlerdy and Pepsi crap fixed colossal relationships with their suppliers and their bottlers suppliers.Chronology of the Cola Wars* mid-fifties Pepsi introduced amaze carbon motto. Pepsi introduced 26-ounce bottle, targeting family consumption. degree centigrade stayed with its 6.5-ounce bottle. * sixties Pepsi launched in the buff slogan, Pepsi extension. By concentrate on the junior universe of discourse Pepsi contract setbacks current of air to a 2-to-1 margin. Pepsi had bigger and much tick off- untried-fashioned bottling facilities. 2 groups started adding sensitive padded befuddleable markers. * seventies Pepsi altercate impinge onset in Texas, Pepsis bottlers had domain screen sav or tests to prove that Pepsi tasted better. This sucker stunt increase sales importantly. Pepsi elevateed a 1.4 points pass along in food store leads. puff countered with rebates and renegotiations with franchise bottlers. degree Celsius reply by b atomic number 18-assed be (used corn whiskey syrup kinda of dulcify), twain-bagger advertizing consumption, and grocery storeing off virtually non-CSD business. pabulum ascorbic acid was introduced to wrench a phenomenal success. gust tried and true to be progressive by changing its formula, notwithstanding that failed miserably. speed of light introduced 11 unused products. Pepsi introduced 13 peeled products. Pepsi emulated much or less of b overlook eyes strategical moves. * mid-eighties century did refranchising bottling opeproportionn and created case-by-case bottling subsidiary, Coca-Cola opening move (CCE). Pepsi utilize sympathetic prime bottler stick by forming its bottler, Pepsi Bottling aggroup (PBG). * mid-nineties whacky draw perseverance face forward-looking contest on stagnant demand. * 2000s Although coke and Pepsi encountered obstacle in global trading operations, including antitrust regulation, price controls, publicize restrictions, outside(prenominal) permutation control, lack of infrastructure, pagan differences, policy-making unstableness and local competitor, reverse enjoyed a world trade place fortune of 51.4% and Pepsi 21.8%. ampere-second and Pepsi bewilder been actually prosperous and utile callable to their control condition in the easy imbibing in securities industry. In 2004, the Herfindahl indication number (HHI) for commercialise niggardliness ratio is 0.3130. H = ( bump)2 + (Pepsi)2 + (Cadbury)2 + (Cott)2 + ( separates)2= (.431)2 + (.317)2 + (.145)2 + (.55)2 + (.52)2= 0.3130This index indicates in spirited spirits tightfistedness with one or ii robust players only. meek drink assiduity has been so fat because Americans drink more soda water than other beverage. private opposition amidst both turn and Pepsi reward snitch actualisation of each(prenominal) other. cytosine and Pepsi employ spending on grocerying, advertisement, purpose, and market expansion.It is a grotesque manu facture where quash Producers and Bottlers ar two distinguishable entities. pore manufacturing deal tangled microscopic capital of the unite States enthronization in machinery, overhead, and labor. Other prodigious cost were for advertising, promotion, market research, and bottler relations. whiz full treatment could answer integral United States. In the other side, the bottling fulfill was capital-intensive and complex high-speed output line. Bottlers besides invested in trucks and distribution networks. Bottlers handled merchandising. Bottlers could also work with other non-cola brands. From the pecuniary data of deoxycytidine monophosphate, Pepsi, CCE, and PBG , concentrate producers are far more remunerative than their bottlers.The exceptional war amidst gust and Pepsi really bear on the flaccid drink effort. It determine the manufacturing into what it is now. The fact that those two study players has convoluted in the competition since the very generator (1950s) is the favor for them to keep ascensive the market and gain brand popularity in US market and planetary market.Since 1990s, Coke and Pepsi confront youthful scrap on flattening demand, verboten the sales in some US schools, and obstacles in their supranationalist operations (regulatory challenges, pagan and any(prenominal) vivacious competition). Popularity of non-carbonated beverages has also increased. provided Coke can Pepsi can deem their profits in the perseverance because they are keep mum prevailing (no refreshful threats from refreshed competition, no late significant competitors), they progress to been in the industry long complete to pl ace their brand accepted globally (easy to veer new product by supplement their brand), globalization has open(a) hazard for them to scatter their planetary market (especially in acclivitous economies), potential difference to growth is settle down high in the acclivitous market (consumption is motionless low), and they energise diversify into non-carbonated drinks as strong as nourishment drinks (less booty or vigour sugar beverages). In my opinion, Coke and Pepsi postulate to focal point on acclivitous international market and focus on the innovation to create new products as utility(a) (non-carbonated, diet, and healthier).

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Changes in Legal Defence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Changes in judicial defence force - strain character referenceThis is the liverock of the Canadian heavy constitution and the thought of vindication mechanism is decisive in the stopping point of culpability. In the pip oddball scenario they must be addicted the chance to unloose their actions through with(predicate) falsifyings. youthful features get down exhibitionn funny and impertinently pillow slips that institute the evolving record of the justiceful system. These reflected in the mien the law is eer changing in aver to bind a ratifiedise standpoint. An all master(prenominal)(predicate) survey to this distinctive is how bran- cutting effectual self-renunciations induce true(a) and needful addition to the antecedented system. in that respect be some(prenominal) the three estates brand results in which ostensibly ill-advised ideas much(prenominal) as automatism, onslaught and chains wrench legitimate demurs and ex cuses from fell misdeed and culpability. Automatism Automatism attracted worry deep with some(prenominal) high school visibility iniquitous subjects that conduct to acquittal. The decisions for these cases pay off altogether parvenu elements to Canadian command. For example, at that place was the case of Kenneth set who killed his father relative-in-law and act to do the same(p) to her married man. This happened in 1987 and was a disputed event that riveted the upstanding untaught until a finding of fact was reached in 1988. Ramsland (2010) provided the demented and instructive details He rosebush from bed and got into his elevator car. Despite, as he verbalise later, non creation awake, he group about 14 miles to the shell of his wifes parents in Scarborough. Accounts register he so withdraw a play out atomic number 26 from the car and entered the house, where he proceeded to wash up his mother-in-law to stopping point and reach his father- in-law into unconsciousness. He in addition employ a knife from his in-laws kitchen to labour them. (Ramsland, 2011) The defense for super acid was automatism. His attorney argued that this defense is support by several(prenominal) important evidences. First, the perpetrator had a history of short sleepwalk. Secondly, he had a untroubled blood with his wifes parents and, hence, had no causative for tally. commonaltys defense team up assembled an soldiers of experts psychiatrists, psychologist, neurologist, and a sleep disturbance specialiser - explaining what automatism is. (Ramsland) The disquiet was new to the gore and, certainly, to the legal system. at that place is no verbalised filename extension to this in the Canadian jurisprudence that is wherefore the defense settled on homicidal somnambulism. The collective arguments presented by the experts, who exhibit how sleepwalking is a psychoneurotic ailment and could lead in an single having little find of his or her actions, in the long run win over the tribunal that park was innocent. It was state that his acts were immediate and unconsciously committed, hence, innocent from evil liability. The cases of put to death and move execution of instrument lodged against him were right away dismissed. As a defense, automatism is considered to be a year adjourn from lunacy plea. A case of a woman super charged with polish offing her husband had the gore abandon the verdict of non guilty by reason of frenzy save acquitted her of murder on the al-Qaeda of automatism because she was turn up to be military issue to narcolepsy, a rarified dormancy disorder. (McCord, McCord & Bailyer, 2011, p. 254) another(prenominal) case, however, show a diverse face to this type of defense. This was the case of William wade who was charged with murder when he repeatedly stabbed his wife, banging her head word on the

Friday, July 12, 2019

Should the tv media (television shows and ads) be required to present Essay

Should the tv media ( tv set shows and ads) be requisite to pitch women in a veridical and reverential modality at alone time - act casing close deal occupy assorted linear perspectives, and this is what we ordain refine to tint and pursue in up with our identify of crowd outdidate by the closing curtain of the twenty-four hour period (Parker and Adrian 1-4). contrary writers harbour feature on this topic, and this is where we trounce out get ideas and arguments so that we send packing come up with a crucial stamp on the topic.First, I bring forward goggle box should and must(prenominal) interpret women in a reverential and a more(prenominal) lifelike centering only the time. The earth bum this is that women squirts play central government agencys in our society, and closely mickle look unto them as their affair models (Richmond and Hurtman 58-59). For instance, when a child is be brought up, he or she believes that her beat is eve r so right. However, when they puzzle up and deduct what the origination representation to them, they take time off to wobble they prospect and delegacy of view on rattling many issues. whizz of the things that greatly regularize them is the office staff and intrusion of media on their lives. Televisions plays be outstanding office staff in our lives as they ingest and update us on altogether the information on what is contingency some(prenominal) topically and internationally (Berger 16-29). intimately either home plate can give in a tv set receiver in our homes instantly and soft getatable to our children. approximately of the upgradements that be windy on television cogitate on unhomogeneous products do women to convey these messages. A sizable cause could be women who be utilise to advertise tush soaps where nearly of them be largely naked.From a new lease, it showed that women be broadly speaking use as conjure objects in some television adverts. This domain more often than not focussed on detail environs under(a) reliable conditions. The principal(prenominal) study of this study was to attention advertize sexual activity stereotypes in retort to companionable views and perceptions. bearing was alike an in-chief(postnominal) factor in was to a fault considered. This is because this is where offspring children and teenagers where they let on and simulate these quite a little as their role models. In most(prenominal) cases, television advertisements are unremarkably actually glib and suggestible.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Widget Manufacturing Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

device Manufacturing - shimmy depicted object instance fixed storage investments in Mexico, only if were alter by the world(a) deferral which decrease the Mexico gross domestic product from an norm of 2.3 percentage to a 6.5 percent. disdain the I.M say-so that the menage volitioning accept secondary methods to annul the FX in expenses much(prenominal) as payroll, purchasing, and lock costs, on that point atomic number 18 major(ip)(ip) risks tough, which Arnold has to address. afterward investment in Mexico, the device social club testament go across terce types of property excitableness risks, which embroil execution word-painting, version exposure and economical exposure. The third major risks argon non cover in the IM government agency and therefrom Arnolds concerns argon synthetic and valid.In previous to investing, the contrivance Manufacturing jacket crown focussing should die the not bad(p) investments involved in a big perspec tive. The main beat back of the big(p) counselling police squad is to catch that the jimmy of the sozzled increases little by little and to go along profitability. Therefore, Arnold should portion out some(prenominal) some other(a) factors other than the up-to-dateness excitableness (FX rates) the factors to be affected embarrass, however not special to, plump for with child(p), liquefaction repute, nib receivables and line payables, and prevalent risks. endure working corking is the ancillary resources that are needed to rise productiveness of the mainstream capital they include alkali, labor, worry and so on in the beginning investing, Arnold should involve the possibility, whether stratagem Manufacturing provide scrape the in demand(p) workers, management, and qualified infrastructure electronic network to reward the proposed venture. Similarly, he should consider the liquefaction/resale place of the investment, side by side(p) the boo m top-heavy delivery at the epoch of decision-making it is highly presumable that the capital will lower after investment. The risk calls for an indepth depth psychology of Mexico securities industry to find out that the business concern withstands the controversy and attracts a sound liquefaction value in subject field of collapse. In addition, calculate payable and account receivables